Monday, 15 April 2013

Freebies of the week! #30

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I have had NO post recently! GUTTING.

I have won a few things, but I always think that unless they are in my current possession, they don't actually count!

However I think this is a complete bargain, so if you have £3.80 in your pocket, go get this, you cheeky little beauty and bargain lovers ;)

So for £3.80 you get the magazine, 2 L'Oreal samples, a small tube of Jergens Ultra Healing moisturiser and a Ciate nail polish! I picked the shimmery gold shade as I am quite partial to gold nail varnish. Don't judge me! ;)
Considering the polish is worth £9.00, this is such a fab deal! I bought this in Marks & Spencer with some gift vouchers, so it's like the whole lot was free...kinda.

I also got a free packet of Percy Pigs with my Priority Moments. My laziness is prevailing today and I cannot be arsed to take a picture of them, so I nicked a picture from Wikipedia. We all know what Percy Pigs are anyway!  

Did you get a copy of Marie Claire this month?
Anybody tried Percy Pigs before?! I haven't!

She killed it with kisses,
and from it she fled.


  1. ooo...gonna get me that Marie Claire - I really like the magazine anyway. I don't like Percy Pigs though, the foamy stuff freaks me out!

    1. It's a pretty good magazine, although a few less adverts in it would be better! ;)
      I have never tried them before, I think you're right; possibly TOO foamy!


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