Friday, 5 April 2013

Frederic Fekkai Salon Glaze

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So once again, the empties post didn't go up on time. To be fair though, I worked an 8 hour shift today, then the internet went down. It is finally back, but I can at least do photos in the daylight tomorrow.

Once again, I digress.

A few weeks ago, Mum gave me a sample that she found in her drawer. This is the Frederic Fekkai Salon Glaze.

Now I got confused and thought this was a conditioning treatment, but as I was in the shower, I realised that I was wrong! After I shampooed and conditioned, I applied this treatment for 5 minutes and rinsed.

The theory is that my hair should have a silky shine and colour should be boosted.

Yeah...not really.

The product smelt not to dissimilar to something I would use on a building site. Although I didn't find it offensive, it wasn't the greatest smell for hair! It looked pretty though; pearly and glittery.

I was only really impressed with the appearance. Sadly I didn't notice any difference in terms of how shiney my hair was. If anything, I think I have had more compliments on the days that I just wash my hair normally!

I am also very confused about the instructions. "Can be used everyday or 2-3 times per week."

Hold up...WHA?! So I can use it how many times per week?

Might as well say; do whatever you want.

I hate writing negative posts but I was really disappointed actually. Nothing wowed me about it. However if you fancy trying this, it is £12.95 on Amazon HERE.

Have you tried a treatment like this before?

All we hear is Radio Gaga...

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