Saturday, 2 February 2013

Wilkinson Hydro Silk Razor

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I have to admit, I am pretty damn lazy when it comes to shaving my legs. Gruesome I know.

I have always said that hairy legs are an excellent layer of warmth, especially for us horse owners. Boyfriend has given up arguing with me. Besides, he barely ever shaves his face so you know...he has no ammunition really.

Anyway, I digress...

Wilkinson Sword Women sent a razor to all the people who signed up on their Facebook page. I completely forgot about it until my postman delivered it.

You can probably guess that due to my lack of shaving, I am one of those people that just uses men's disposable razors! I have always thought that they were pretty good and that proper razors were overrated. I probably should have tried them before I said that.

This razor is so good! I look forward to shaving my legs now! 5 blades result in such a close shave, there aren't any prickles left after. So quick as well, normally it would take a few goes with my cheap razors.

In the blade there are moisturising serum dots that are activated when they touch the water. These are infused with marine extracts which leave your skin nourished after shaving. Roughly three times, I didn't moisturise after I shaved and I didn't think any different! My legs just felt soft!

As you can also probably guess, no I do not use shaving gel. I guess I never think about shaving that much, it is all about taking the hair away and that's it. I just use whatever soap is lying around. I'd like to try a gel properly though, see if it is all it is cracked up to be.

My main issue with permanent razors is the price of the refills. For these, they are 3 for £8.49 in Boots. (Currently with a free razor which is worth £9.99!) Which is a lot of money. I always think that I can get at least 40 disposable razors for that! However, they go rusty quick; the Wilkinson Sword Hydrosilk comes with a suction pad to stick the razor to the wall, so it does not sit in a puddle of water.

It really is a case of quality vs quantity. I LOVE this razor, it works so quickly and makes my legs feel amazing. But the price is a little more than I can stretch to every month.

Maybe I will treat myself to the blades. Use them on my Tuesday Bath days?!

If you use proper razors or are looking to invest in a new razor, I cannot urge how much you should get this razor. My legs have never felt so moisturised and smooth after shaving!

Wilkinson Hydro Silk Razor is £9.99 from Boots

I could change my life to better suit your mood,
Cause you're so smooth...


  1. Love this razor i got my free one to but had problem with it so i emailed them so they sent me a new one out

  2. how do u get the free sample cant seem to find it e-mail me the link at

    1. It was a few months ago I'm afraid! Sorry!


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