Tuesday, 17 September 2013

The winner is... (massive link share!)

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My first giveaway is over! How exciting!

Before I announce the winner, can I please just say how amazing it was to hear all the things everybody has achieved recently?

The lovely Tiffany got a job which is fab! Congrats girlie! Chelsea also got a job, at Boots! The Beauty Blogger's dream!

In terms of Twitter followers, Lauren reached 200 and Alana reached a massive 900!

Lucy has taught herself the Five dance moves...which I am gutted to say she hasn't shown me. I'm just saying, we can brighten up Collection Point B with Everybody Get Up. DISAPPOINTING LUCYPEE! ;)

Lucy, you made me look pale! Jade...erm...yeah. <3

Melissa made a cushion, which I think is very cool; I really should practise sewing more.

Bex taught her son to say I love you...okay everyone, on the count of three...one, two, three! *aaaaw!*

Blog things now; Gemma reached 400k views! WOW! Yuen reached 630 Bloglovin followers, Kim reached 100 and Claire has 300! Zhuo has 3 and I am sure they will increase soon!

Vicky has started her first blog and hopefully by now she will have a baby! Congratulations Vicky.

Anita finished two books in one day...now that is impressive!

Oh and whilst we are talking about Anita, she is the winner of my giveaway! Hurrah! Got there eventually eh?!

Thank you so much to everyone who entered and has shown my little blog some support!

Congratulations to everyone! It's been lovely to hear about everyone's little triumphs; everybody should be so proud of themselves!


Baby, everything is alright,
Uptight and out of sight!


  1. Thank you so much for including me in this, it really is a beauty bloggers dream hehe :) xx

  2. aww thank you for the link share! x

    50 Follower Giveaway!

  3. Thank you for the lovely link share! <3


Please feel free to comment, I try to reply to them all!
Oh, and please follow me on Bloglovin, Twitter or Instagram! I usually end up following back! ;)



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