Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Kleenex Shine Absorbing Sheets

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Sometimes, when I take my water breaks at work, I look in the mirror Wthink...

"Jeez. I am the queen of sweat and oil. Disgusting."

Obviously, working in a stock room or on a very busy sales floor in the Summer can do that to you. It can't be helped.

Then you have that, "oh crap, my make-up!" moment. The slow-mo of your powder and eye make-up, dripping down your face. Melting.

Okay. SLIGHT exaggeration maybe. But that's what it feels like. Impending make-up doom and you are aware that your 2 minute break is nearly up. *GULP.*

The other day, I took these out my bag and thought, "oh what's the worst that could happen?"

I got these shine absorbing sheets in a magazine AGES ago and never thought to use them...I've been missing out for so long! These are FAB!

So much oil and shine was taken away from my skin, without moving my foundation/powder. I instantly looked calmer and less knackered.

Put it this way...when I saw the pack of 50 of these in the 99p shop last week, I snapped them up! They are now one of my handbag essentials.

Have you tried shine sheets before?

If you had another night to give,
I'd have another night to live.

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