Thursday, 9 May 2013

Update: Where have I been?

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Regular readers of my blog and my Twitter followers may (or may not) have realised that I have melted away from the world of social media recently for a variety of reasons.

1. I have my resit exam on the 28th May. Revision tiiime...
2. Remember me hurting my foot? Yeah, still buggered.
3. Work. Love it.
4. Horses take up a lot of time.
5. Chores
6. I went to a work's do on Saturday. I was VERY drunk.*
7. I like to sleep when possible.

So it has all been going wrong! By the time I have chill time, I am DEEPLY uninspired by being SO knackered. In the end I take the time to read all the lovely blogs I follow on Bloglovin' and go to sleep. Honestly, by the time I get to use my laptop, there's like 90-odd posts to read. The highest has been 158. Oooft.

Anyway, I haven't forgotten about any of you, promise! I will be house sitting soon so will have a bit more time hopefully. By the 29th May I will be:

- Free of exams
- Paid
- Drunk (hopefully)

Please bear with me everyone, I will be back with you all soon. Things are feeling a little difficult at the moment is all.

I've been a fool,
To ever open my hear to all that jealousy,
That bitterness,
That ridicule.

*I would like to say that I have learnt my lesson...but getting drunk at works dos is just the best experience ever. 
** Okay, I have learnt that shots are not my friends. 

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