Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Love You Bye - Scott Mills

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I used to love to read. Honestly, I couldn't ever get enough of books. I was the best reader in my school when I was 9,  put it that way!

These days, I am so glued to my laptop, watching TV programs or blogging. Obviously I am reading when I look at blogs, but it's not the same as a book, eh?

When I went to the library last week with my Mum, I got excited when I saw this. I love Scott Mills, he's one of my favourite radio DJs.

As soon as I started reading this, I couldn't put it down. By the next morning, I had finished it! This book is so funny, so honest, so real. You learn so many things about Scott, like his panic attacks when he was young, what happened when he went to Uganda to film The World's Worst Place to Be Gay and all about him and The Hoff!

To be fair, it is a quick read. There's a lot of white space, but I think that is due to a lot of focus on the layout. It's made to be an easy read because this book is actually FUN. There's no waffle, it just focusses on the most important things in his life. 

Honestly, I think everyone should read this book. When you listen to the radio, you don't think of much else other than what is being said at that point. You don't think of what shapes the presenters to make them and their shows what they are now. This book leaves you feeling like you NEED to be his friend.

You should get this book if you want the big reveal of who from Radio 1 boffed Ke$ha...

Buy Love You Bye here for £7.99

Wake up in the mornin' feelin' like P-Diddy...

1 comment:

  1. Great review! Might just have to pick this up now :) Love a nice quick read to break up the reading for uni!

    Sarah :)


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