Anyway, I have decided to try polish on my fingers, purely because it is more interesting, more festive and I am intrigued to see what colours will get my manager's attention...I just like to push people's buttons! Haha!
I wore the palest pink yesterday, with a little shimmer, but obviously it wasn't enough. Time to take it up a notch!
Models Own in Lili's Pink
I love this shade SO much! I bought this when Models Own had a sale on a few weeks ago. I am very glad that I picked this one. It's a bright bubblegum pink, with a gorgeous shimmer to it. I feel like Barbie when I wear it! I think it is my favourite shade of pink nail varnish that I own.
Unfortunately as predicted, 3 hours into my shift, 14 hours after painting my nails, cracks and chips started to appear. After my shift had finished, I went to the horse and walked the dog. It would seem that I lead too much of an active lifestyle for my nails! I really will end up having different coloured nails at this rate. Maybe I will just paint them on work days.
Until next time...!
I belong, in the service of the Queen.
I belong, anywhere but inbetween.
She's been lying,
I've been sinking,
And I am, the Rain King.
I always use China Glaze - First and Last. Best one I've found so far :) Or Sally Hansen, that's a good one too. xxx